routinely read articles of people protesting the requirement that they wear a
mask to access schools, meetings, stores, restaurants or any gathering where
social distancing is not possible. The
common argument appears to be that a person has a right to choose to go
maskless and that government has no right to limit such choice. I find such argument bizarre. The medical and scientific community have
demonstrated strong consensus that masks protect not only the wearer but also
others around them. You may have the
right to choose to become infected. You
do not have the right to choose to infect others around you. The refusal to wear a mask is simply a selfish
claim that the person can choose to harm anyone that they meet.
The wearing of masks is not
one of personal convenience. It is an
act of medical necessity in order to begin to control this massive
pandemic. Masks clearly provide mutual safety
to all. No person has the right to
infect others with disease any more than that person has the right to walk into
a crowd with a lighted stick of dynamite. As a society, we routinely require drivers to pass
a test to obtain a license to drive a vehicle. We prohibit driving vehicles while
under the influence of alcohol. In most school districts, we require children
to be vaccinated to attend school. We are not bothered when shirt and shoes are
required to enter a restaurant. All
citizens have a legal duty use reasonable care to avoid harm to others. Such failure can result in being sued for “negligence”.
These standards all part of society’s compact
to live together without causing each other intentional harm.
Many have attempted to turn masks
into political statement. Others claim
some vague constitutional right of choice.
None applies when their acts cause direct harm to others. To consider
masks anything other than a necessary response to scientific and medical
consensus is a fool’s errand. The
refusal to wear a mask is dangerous and can only lead to tens of thousands
additional unneeded deaths and permanent medical harm.
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