Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Monday, August 17, 2020
The term “Defund the Police” has become a rallying cry of extremes on both the right and the left in this difficult political season. Some on the far left believe in anarchy and cry out that there should be no police. Anarchists have been around for centuries and will never gain any meaningful support. The far right immediately asserts that any one that questions police behavior is an anarchist that seek to remove all police force so that crime will quickly run rampant especially in cities with Democrat governance The reality, however, is that no will ever choose to eliminate all police service. No community could exist without reasonable policing. There has been no occasion where a police force has been disbanded and a community left without any form of policing.
The loud cries that
communities will be left to the mercy of murders, looters, and thieves is
simply a red herring attempt to distract from legitimate political debate over
the much more complex and difficult issues relating to police practices in our
communities. We can and we must discuss tough questions such as:
- Are police
asked too often to act as social workers?
- Are
officers adequately trained to deal with mental problems of citizens they must
- Do
police unions have too much power?
- Should
blanket immunity apply to virtually all police actions?
- Does the
duty of loyalty to fellow officers too often cause silence from the vast
majority of wonderful police that in the absence of silence would likely result
in the removal or reduction of bad conduct by questionable officers?
- Why
has there been historically disparate treatment of Blacks and Hispanic?
- Why do
incidents like the deaths of George Floyd or Breanna Taylor keep occurring?
Police are part of the
critical team of first responders that protect all of us. We cannot simply remove that protection. We cannot however, be forced to have only the
choice of silence in the wake of questionable police action or be considered
adverse to police action. A third way and better way is to accept that police officers
are not perfect, to accept that an officer should not be sanctioned on making a
split second decision that might be questioned in an after the fact review but to
also not accept that nothing more can be done. We can provide better police training.
We can develop better methods of hiring.
We can enhance diversity. We can
remove the unwritten rule of unequivocal silence among officers. We can do better in addressing the above
questions without political litmus tests. We are a great nation but we can be
better. We cannot be distracted by red
herring political pablum.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Monday, July 13, 2020
Make November 3, 2020 Our True Independence Day
- fears any people that may look or act different and thus limit immigration of any type;
- treats any kind of government protection as irresponsible socialism unless it is for corporate beneficiaries;
- considers reporters and the press as the enemy of the people and the generators of “fake news”;
- believes that science is simply someone’s opinion that can be ignored;
- believes in religious freedom only so long as it involves our Christian religion;
- accepts only what is consistent with one’s preconceptions;
- provides access to justice only if one has money and power;
- believes that education is a commodity that should be available to those who can pay the price;
- defines trouble makers by their skin tone and treats protests as riots that should be forcible squelched;
- believes that we must focus on America first to the exclusion of the rest of the world;
- believes honesty and integrity of our leaders is unnecessary and that we must assure that our party wins the fall election regardless of the consequences to our country;
- believes that it is good for America that the wealth of the top 1% increased from $8.4 trillion in 1989 to $29.5 trillion in 2018 while the wealth of the bottom 50% decreased from $.7 trillion to a negative $2 trillion during that same period;
- removes environmental protections developed over decades;
- A society built on welcoming and facilitating legal immigrants and people of all backgrounds;
- A society that believes in protecting the weak, the sick and the elderly;
- A society that believes in the importance of a free press in order to assure our own freedom;
- A society that believes in the integrity of science and make decisions based on scientific consensus;
- A society that believes in freedom of religion for all faiths;
- A society that can distinguish fact from fiction and truth from falsehoods;
- A society that believes in the rule of law and access to justice for all;
- A society that believes that education for all is a foundation for our future and that it needs improved funding;
- A society that recognizes existing racial disparity and work to expand efforts to end such disparity;
- A society that believes that being a citizen of the world makes us better citizens of America;
- A society that demands that our political leaders to demonstrate honesty and integrity;
- A society that believes that unless we work to address systemic racial and economic disparity, we may ultimately destroy the foundations of America’s middle class; and
- A society that restores common sense environmental protections.
Lady Liberty Reinforces American Ideals
The Statute of Liberty has long
represented to the World the wonderful ideals of America. Inscribed on the plaque
attached to Lady Liberty is the following.
The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek Fame
With conquering limbs astride from land to land
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
Over the past four years, I have often heard Donald Trump belittle immigrants and use them as excuses for many ills that our nation must address. His administration sought to separate families seeking access. It denied basic rights of persons seeking asylum. He has been aggressive in seeking to eliminate options of legal migration. He sought to even to deport Dreamers who have lived in this country since childhood and offer many contributions to our communities. As I see these actions and policies, I wonder if he ever visited Lady Liberty in the years that he lived within sight of her and if so, whether he read her words of inspiration. His actions suggest not.
In contrast to his opposition of even legal migration, he has expressed adamant support for preserving statutes of treasonous Confederate Generals who sought to destroy this Union of the United States. He has called white supremacists at Charlottesville “some good people”. He recently retweeted a video of white seniors in golf carts calling out “White Power”.
Unless one’s heritage is solely Native American, all of our ancestors were immigrants. Some came to this country to find a better life. Some were carried in slave ships. Today we together make this nation great. Our nation's strength comes from the diversity of backgrounds and heritages that fill this country from sea to shining sea. It is our diversity that makes this country the greatest in the World. As Lady Liberty cries out, our nation must continue to welcome from all nations around the World “your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. We must lift Lady Liberty’s lamp to welcome all on their way to our shores. We must make legal migration easier and not more difficult. Our future and our economic growth may depend on that recognition. More important, we must maintain the heritage of diversity that built this nation.