Wednesday, December 30, 2020


This country held an election on Novmber 3, 2020. While a record number of voters participated, approximately 1/3 of voting age eligible people did not vote. Over 80 million voters selected Joe Biden. While Donald Trump had more votes than he garnered in his 2016 election, he still lost by over 7 million popular votes and had 74 Electrol College votes less than Biden. Still the President and his supporters claimed fraud and rejected the election results. A Bill Barr led Justice Department sought but could not find any material voting irregularities. Audits in key states including those run by Republican Governors sought but could not find any materrial irregularities. The Trump campaign filed over fifty lawsuits asserting a variety of voting irregularites. All Courts including many with Trump appointed judges, rejected such claims for a lack of evidence. While some Trump supporting media such as Fox News and Newsmax had loudly claimed without evidence
that voting machine and other fraud had occurred, such enterprises immediately retracted such assertions and acknowledged that there was no such evidence when threatened with lawsuits for defamation by voting machine manufactures. In spite of a total lack of evidence that any significant voting irregularities had occurred in the 2020 election, polls suggest that 80% of the voters for Donald Trump still believe that he won the election and that the Presidency is being stolen from him. This unfettered belief appears to be premised on the continued tweets of the President that he could not have lost because he had more votes than he had gotten in 2016. Unfortunately, he seems incapable of accepting that a lot more people took the time to vote this year than in past years. He does not accept that a substantial majority of those voters wanted to tell him that "Your Fired" using his favorite line from his old television program. Hundreds of years ago, civilized people believed in witches and burned people at the stake in such belief. Today with so many sources of credible information it remains inexplicable that so many Americans, almost 40% of voters, continue to believe in such unsubstantiated falsehoods asserted by the President. It makes me wonder, whether the victims of the Salem witch trials would fare any better today.