While traveling down the inter-coastal waterway from St Petersburg to Clearwater Florida this past weekend I passed several dozen other boaters. On every occasion we exchanged waves. This pattern was consistent with virtually every time I am on the water. Friendly acknowledgement among boaters is a cultural routine meant to express appreciation of each other and the nature in which we have had the fortune to enjoy. A simply wave generates a feeling of community and well being.
I contrast this boating attitude with the typical response of drivers on the interstate or local roads. At best, drivers show a studious indifference to other drivers on the road. At worst, drivers demonstrate hostility and on occasion road rage to fellow drivers. There is little sense of community or harmony after a road trip. Few drivers feel a shared sense of community spirit. More likely is that driving generates a sense of isolation.
Our modern lives tend to fill with stress. Too often we isolate ourselves from our neighbors and even co-workers. On a day to day basis we seldom feel a sense of community with those we come in contact. Perhaps if we could translate the attitude we demonstrate when boating to all aspects of our lives, we could find more daily peace and harmony. Alternatively, find a way to get out on a boat regularly. It does wonders for one’s peace of mind.