Sunday, February 15, 2009

Why Do We Need to Rely on Comedians To Tell the Truth?

In the world of talking heads on television news there is seldom an insightful analysis of the information presented. Presentations by representatives of a political point of view on “news programs” provide attractive "talking points" but offer even less analysis. Ironically, comedic shows seem too often be the best source of truly independent commentary. Will Rogers set the standard at the turn of the 20th century. Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show with John Stewart, The Colbert Report, or Jib Jam are setting the tone for the 21st Century.

Many commentators have expressed concern that many college students use these comedic programs as the sole source of their news. Rather than concern, we may wish to applaud the discretion of such youth. They recognize several important facts.

We should never become so important that we lose the ability to laugh at ourselves.

There are few universal truths.

The greater the purported certainty of a claim, the less likely it is actual certain.

There are always more than one side to every position. One of the best ways to understand a position is to evaluate the point in which it becomes absurd.

This country is currently facing one of the greatest economic crisis of our lifetimes. Unemployment is rapidly increasing. Bankruptcies and foreclosures have dramatically increased. Our trade deficit for the has caused the transfer of core assets of this country for decades. Our budget deficit has grown exponentially. Our ability to fund any government function can exist only if China continues to buy our debt. China of course is our primary economic and military rival. In this crisis Democrats and Republicans both assert the need for bipartisan solutions. When forced to debate the issues, however, both elected leaders of both parties resorted to party line votes with finger pointing across the aisle that the other was not willing to share their toys. When such serious leadership seems to have such limitations, maybe common sense suggests that we listen to our comics.